The second edition of Sin-A-Mon Express!
It is two months since I last wrote the once in two months feature Sin-A-Mon express, though honestly feels like yesterday.

March and April went by in a jiffy. Work wise they were the busiest months, couple of recipe projects along with my most favorite work of the year – the summer kiddie cooking workshops. I love working with kids and the summer camps give me a chance to do exactly the same. Designing workshops for them and working with the enthusiasm, energy and curiosity they have, it is amazing.
At a personal front, the two months were busy as well with people visiting us, the child having a 10 day spring break. In another news, I turn 40 this year and though the birthday is still couple of months away, I have already started planning it. Yes I am like a little child when it comes to birthdays 🙂
And now that I have bored you enough with the update on work and personal front, lets talk about what happened on the blog since I last wrote an update here and my dear readers probably the past two months have been the most regular blogging months in my history of blogging.
All of March I wrote 4 days a week and I have almost finished AtoZ of baking that I signed up for in April, posted till W which leaves just three alphabets to go and I have stuff sorted for those and will post them in the coming three days, it would have been up by now but the past 2-3 days.
I have been busy with hospital rounds. A friend’s househelp who was 8 months pregnant suddenly developed complications and was admitted to hospital, she is in the ICU and has delivered a gorgeous child. The child is now being fostered by a very kind soul while Mona still requires 2 more weeks of ICU treatment. Do take out a minute to read her story, donate and share if you can.
I know that makes the A-Z around 5-6 days delayed but I guess in the larger scheme of work that is acceptable.
For the coming two months, I will focus broadly on the following things:
1. Travel – I have posts pending from as long as an year (yes yes, I am hanging my head in shame). A lot of them sitting in my drafts waiting to be find tuned and published. So I want to clear all the back log before I go on my biggish vacation in July. Yes, another very exciting trip is being planned and I will share it here when it is kind of firmed up, but I am really looking forward to that one.
2. Mangoes – Yes I have said it before and I say it again, the only thing that makes summer bearable is MANGOES (and other yummy fruits), I have a series of mango recipes lined up and I promise you will love them. So stay tuned.
3. More under 30 minutes/summer recipes – It is so hot in Bangalore right now that we will all agree that going in the kitchen is a torture, I have been only making quick food for sometime now and will share a lot of them here, you don’t want to miss them if you want to make your life easy
So all this and the regular features like #52Salads #52CookBookPact and more coming up in the next two months. So what are you waiting for? Hit the follow button on the bottom right of your screen so you do not miss an update from me and Sin-A-Mon!
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