Swiggy has launched Swiggy Super, a membership program with a nominal monthly fee enabling people to avoid delivery charges, surge pricing and more!
Who doesn’t like free deliveries? If you are one of those who do, then this post about Swiggy Super is just for you! The all-new Swiggy membership is perfect if you even order out 3-4 times a month. Don’t believe me? Continue reading to know more.
As much as I love to cook at home and plan my menu diligently, we still have a lot of order in days. Both by choice since we like the variety and by chance since I get busy and can’t find time to cook. Take for example today, I was drowning in deadlines, my cook was on leave and my brain needed constant supply of chai to work. I could take time out for making dinner but making chai every hour seemed like overkill. Enter swiggy and chaipont to solve my problem. But then I thought that for every 100 bucks worth of chai & cake, I have to pay 20 bucks or so for delivery. And that is when Swiggy Super solved everything for me.
At a price of Rs 49/month (introductory price), it assures unlimited free deliveries, No Surge Fee during rains or high demand. EVER! And there are even occasional surprises for everyone. So all you pay is Rs 49 a month with so many benefits and you literally earn that back in 2-3 orders. So don’t wait, go get Swiggy super now folks. Like my son said this morning, Mumma this is cheaper than my chocolate. With this in hand, I can have my cake and eat it too and all while working on my deadlines.
To get Swiggy Super click here
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Disclaimer – This post has been sponsored by Swiggy but all thoughts, words and pictures are mine!
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