Methi Mattar Pasanda is a delightful dish made from fresh methi and green peas in a white gravy of milk and curd. Delicious with some hot rotis or rice!
So a conversation (read argument) between N and I resulted in this delicious methi mattar pasanda.

Me : I don’t feel like cooking today.
N : And I don’t feel like going out.
Me : Ok then lets order in.
N : Naah mood nahin hai plus what will it do to your diet?
Me : sigh but I don’t want to cook. Why do you have to say no, every time I ask to go out? Picks up Ohasand walks away in part anger, part style to the first floor.
Scene II
About an hour or so later totally convinced that I have been royally ignored and this man won’t come up to say ok lets go out and eat, I come down to make some dish which is quick to eat. And what do I see?
All my cooking books half open, half closed, thrown away on my carpet in the middle of the living room and a very very very messy looking kitchen. But the dining table set in a lovely manner with nothing less than methi mattter pasanda and egg bhurji!
And I didn’t have anything to say after that, apart from enjoying the meal and yes, the 2-hour cleaning after that 😉 God bless the man for serving a good meal and God, please send me someone to clean the mess after that 😉
Well, to be honest, the cleaning didn’t really matter, because the food was made with so much love that the cleaning really didn’t matter. I did crib a bit about it, but hey, the food was so delicious! I shouldn’t even be complaining.
So, here is the recipe! Ab bolo, post karna banta hai na 😉

Methi Matter Pasanda
- 1 cup green peas boiled
- 1 cup methi leaves, finely chopped
- 1/4 tsp cumin seeds
- 1/2 tsp kasuri methi
- 1/4 cup milk low fat (we used Good Life Slim Milk)
- 1/4 cup curds low fat (use probiotic if you are buying from outside)
- 1/2 tsp Bengal gram flour (besan)
- 1/4 tsp garam masala
- 1 tsp oil
- to taste salt
for the paste
- 1 and 1/4 cups onions sliced
- 1/4 cup cauliflower finely chopped
- 1 - 2 green chillies (I think N used 4 here 🙂 )
- 1 clove garlic chopped (I don't enjoy eating too much, so N skipped it)
- 1/2 inch ginger piece sliced
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 Clove
- 1 cup milk low fat
- For the paste:
- Combine all the ingredients in a pan and simmer for 8-10 minutes till the onions are soft and nearly all the liquid has evaporated.
- Puree the mixture to a smooth paste in a blender. Keep aside.
- For the gravy
- Combine the milk, curds and gram flour. Mix well and keep aside.
- Sprinkle salt over the methi leaves and leave aside for 10 minutes. Wash the leaves well. Squeeze out all the water.
- Heat the oil in a non-stick pan and add the cumin seeds.
- When the seeds crackle, add the methi leaves and kasuri methi and saute for 3-4 minutes.
- Add the prepared paste, curd-gram flour mixture, garam masala and salt with 1/2 cup of water and bring the mixture to a boil.
- Add the green peas and simmer for 1-2 minutes.
- Serve hot with chapathis.
Oh YES Totally full too banta hai!! Me first!!
What a sweet, awesome wonderful thing to do 🙂 I am sure it must have been your fav meal for a long, long time…
I love low cal recipes, I am so going to try this!!!
Wah… i really need to appreciate your commitment towards the food habits. Great going Monika… Glad you shared the recipe as well 🙂
Awww….how sweet…such a darling thing to do 🙂
just one week more! dont give up!
thanks for sharing it.
That is so sweet!!!! That was the sweetest thing!
Will definitely try the recipe – looks yummy!
I’m going to try this one…I love methi & Artjun loves muttrer, to dono khush 🙂
yeah IHM u first 🙂
Plsss dont call it off Mons .. go ahead and post 2 🙂 We r all here to read .. u hv been dng so well .. y this early retirement plan 😛
N the post, bilkul banta hai ji .. hai hai 😉 God bless u both 🙂
yeah me too i am digger for low cal and healthy recipes and keep inventing and looking for them all the time
let me know if u liked it IHM
You tweeted about it too, rt? Let me go Awww….. and kisses to N. 😉
how sweet of N!! 🙂
The recipe looks simple and yummy! 🙂
Thank you for sharing it Monu! 🙂
hehehe so sweet of him!!! Sat even my hubby made the breakfast & paratha’s for my dabba!!! Though he can cook pretty decently the only reason that I I don’t let him cook quite often is because of the mess that he leaves 😀
aaah thanks mohan i can go really wild at times too eating the worst of the possible foods
🙂 i knew all of u would go awww over this 😉
yeah thats what i am thinking too
welcome sm
yeah try it out came out pretty well
LOL i hope dono like it too
early retirement plan LOL u are a sweety swaram
yeah i did and kisses to N i am sure he will like that 🙂
look who is back… pixie darling 😀
welcome welcome how have u been?
awww my turn to go awww…. 🙂 yeah dont even talk abt the mess gives me a heart attack
It was absolutely sweet of ur hubby to cook such a delicious dish, for YOU !!!! 🙂
Were you floting somewhere in Cloud 9, all thru the day, after lunch ???? 😉
Lucky lucky you 🙂 The dish looks yummy!
I’m ok Monu! 🙂
Sneaking in my reads inbetween work!! 😀
he is a keeper 🙂
thats soo soo sweet really 🙂
n thanks fr d recepie .. i love cooking u see 😀
your sabzi looks infinitely better than wat they pass off as methi-matar pasanda at the canteen.. no wonder i stopped eating there! 🙂
yeah i was so so so happy
he he HC thanks
uff dont work too much 😉
thanks jaya 😉
welcome here prats 🙂 😀
LOL mandy office canteens most horrible places 😉
and why i am not rcvng any comments from u on the baking posts 🙁
Such a loving gesture by N 🙂
Loved the recipe , methi mattar without malai..rocking ..wud try soon !
just read that u get migrains. Well I used to get it in India but noone could tell what it was but since I moved to USA I got cure, well almost. We ger over the counter medicine “Aleve” here which is like discprine over there but it has something called “naproxin”(sp?) salt in it and it suppose to help. Actually when they diagone migraine for me they just prescribed naproxin for me but it was too much for my body so they gave me lighter dose.. later I dicover this and its been 15 years and its working like a charm.
ohh and it get rid of the migraine in less than 20 minutes.. I usually take the pill & drink tea and by the time I am done with my tea there is no more migraine.. I hope someone from here is coming your way and you can try this medicine. its very inexpensive.
and I looooove ur blog even though I don’t get to read it frequently(as u can see that I am reading ur jan post now;-) but it is so refreshing.. keep it up..
AH HA! reliving the memories and the yummy pasanda huh !?!
ha ha .. nice story .. wish my hubby wud that for me 😉